Past Activities

Thailand-2 Nov 07-The NETWORK Seminar No. 2

“Innovative Tools to NGO-Business Partnerships” by The NETWORK Secretariat 19 NGOs and 42 businesses were convened to engage in the dialogue on two topics. The first topic was on “Integrated Cause Communication  (ICC) Strategy: Responsive to Social Impact” Four panelists from Assistant Professor Dr. Kittinee Nuttawuttisit- Academia, Sasamon-Bangchak, Business, Manit-Child Right Prevention NGO and Anuj […]

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The Second Meeting of the NETWORK, Indonesia – 9 September 2005

The NETWORK in partnership with Asian CSR Forum organized the breakout-sessions on “Mechanism to Improve Cooperation between NGO and Corporation” . NGO and Corporate have to overcome the challenge in terms of differences and expectations of each other. The deliberations in the meeting evolved ways and means to improve communications and collaboration between the two […]

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The Third Meeting of the NETWORK, Thailand – 5 May 2006

57 members from the NGO and business sectors gathered to learn about the NETWORK’s first year report as well as to hear about the hands on experience of partnerships from Mr. Stuart Hawkins, Advisor to the UNDP and Ms.Kritiya, Why I WHY. Additionally, the members exchanged ways and means for potential collaboration and how to […]

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Vision 2050: The New Agenda for Business

In 2050, around 9 billion people live well, and within the limits of the planet Just 40 years from now, some 30% more people will be living on this planet. For business, the good news is that this growth will deliver billions of new consumers who want homes and cars and television sets. The bad […]

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Pattaya Workshop, March 2004

28-31 March 2004- Workshop on Building NGO-Private Sector Partnership Against Poverty Organized by ADB’s NGO Center and GSK Bio and hosted by PDA, the workshop convene twenty-six participants from 10 Asian countries, representing NGOs, ADB and the private sector to share and learn about partnership experiences. NGO participants included experiences practitioners of private sector partnerships. […]

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The First Meeting of the NETWORK, Thailand – 6 May 2005

Organized by the NETWORK Secretariat, Kenan Institute Asia, in partnership with Resource Alliance , The first meeting featured a panel discussion on “Philanthropy and Emerging CSR in Asia : A Momentum for Sustainable Development by four renowned figures — Dr. Juree Vichit-Vadakan , Chairman, Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Center of Philanthropy, NIDA, […]

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