Year End Reflections

Charities Say Companies Wanting To Support Them Should Offer Funding and Access
Whilst charities welcome all types of support, they most value `core funding’, `funding for specific projects’, `access to business networks’ and `gifts in kind’; such as free venues. However, more than two thirds of the charities surveyed do not believe that companies are willing to offer core funding; the assistance that is most likely to help them through the recession. The one area where need matches likelihood of support is unskilled volunteering; though charities rate this as the support they least need and say they benefit much more at this time from volunteers who offer skilled support; such as professional training.

C..hristmas S..eason R..eflections
Now that we’re all winding down (or is it winding up?) for the festive season, as a CSR    person (whatever that is) I find myself being revisted by the three “ghosts of Christmas past”, whose names are Commercialism, Consumerism and Complicity. Read More.

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